What is the basic function of lens and its characteristic?In
digital photography the lens is the most important part of a camera that takes the light that enters the camera and focus it on single point to form a sharp image/s. Its basic function is to admits a large amount of light permitting proper exposure in a small fraction of a second.
Lens CharacteristicsLens speed - refer to the amount of light that a given lens can transmit in a given time. The aperture part of the lens that controls the amount of light that reaches the film or CCD in digital camera.
Focal length- the distance from the center of the lens to the sharp image produce on the film plane or CCD when focused on infinity.
digital photography Lens are classified as:
1. Wide angle lens- lenses with a focal length of 35 mm and below.
2.Normal lens- lens not particularly wide angle and not telescopic. For SLR camera lens of 50mm
is considered to be normal lens.
3. Telephoto Lens- lenses with a focal length longer than the normal lens (above 50mm focal length).
4. Angle of Coverage- Sometimes referred to as Lens Field of View- depends upon its focal Length - the longer the focal length the smaller the angle view.